Black Rebel Motorcycle Club Concerte

Pregătește-te pentru următorul concert din Black Rebel Motorcycle Club

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Cântece Populare

Top 10 piese cele mai cântate de Black Rebel Motorcycle Club în ultimele 40 de concerte.

Profil Setlist

Cântecele care vor fi redate live au fost lansate pe următoarele albume:

Urmatorul Setlist

Cât durează concertul?

Black Rebel Motorcycle Club va fi pe scenă pentru aproximativ 1:01. Iată setlistul probabil bazat pe concertele anterioare (94% probability):

Denumirea piesei
  1. Beat The Devil's Tattoo cover Beat the Devil's Tattoo
  2. Take Them On, On Your Own cover Six Barrel Shotgun
  3. B.r.m.c. cover Red Eyes and Tears
  4. Baby 81 cover Berlin
  5. Howl cover Ain't No Easy Way
  6. Take Them On, On Your Own cover In Like the Rose
  7. Howl cover Shuffle Your Feet
  8. Specter At The Feast cover Hate the Taste
  9. B.r.m.c. cover Spread Your Love
  10. B.r.m.c. cover Whatever Happened to My Rock 'n' Roll (Punk Song)
  11. Take Them On, On Your Own cover Stop

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