Eliza Carthy Concerte

Pregătește-te pentru următorul concert din Eliza Carthy

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Cântece Populare

Top 10 piese cele mai cântate de Eliza Carthy în ultimele 40 de concerte.

Profil Setlist

Cântecele care vor fi redate live au fost lansate pe următoarele albume:

Urmatorul Setlist

Cât durează concertul?

Eliza Carthy va fi pe scenă pentru aproximativ 1:15. Iată setlistul probabil bazat pe concertele anterioare (14% probability):

Denumirea piesei
  1. An Introduction To Eliza Carthy cover Turpin Hero
  2. Dreams Of Breathing Underwater cover Two Tears
  3. no cover Devil in the Woman (Eliza Carthy & The Wayward Band cover)
  4. Big Machine cover Hug You Like a Mountain (Eliza Carthy & The Wayward Band cover)
  5. Through That Sound (my Secret Was Made Known) cover The Black Queen
  6. Big Machine cover Fade & Fall (Love Not) (Eliza Carthy & The Wayward Band cover)
  7. Encore #1

  8. Queen Of The Whirl cover Mr Magnifico
  9. Wayward Daughter cover Blood on My Boots
  10. Encore #2

  11. An Introduction To Eliza Carthy cover Good Morning, Mr. Walker

Eliza Carthy Tour Map 2025

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